I think one of the best things about being a parent is getting to experience all those "little things"- the way he smiles at you, the funny things he does, the funny noises he makes, his toots, his giggles, his frustrations, and even his naughty tendencies (which are still cute at this age by the way) May this be a reminder to Jeff and I and to Nolan when he's older about all the little things he does everyday that make us smile--- :-)
You love to play with toys! Love your hands-In fact, if we asked you, you would say they are the most amazing appendige that you own!
You are TICKLEISH EVERYWHERE! We love to torment you because you let out the biggest belly laugh!
You look so cute in hats and you don't pull them off-----YET!
You become mezmerized with Baby Enstein's!
You LOVE your puppy!!! Rudy can do no wrong in your eyes and he is sooo FUNNY to you! One time Rudy was standing up in the car looking out the window and you laughed because he is so funny!
You love swinging at the park!
Waterslides make you cry :( but you do love the water- when you are in the water you get those hands and feet moving with excitement and you kick and chirp like a little birdie!
You roll to your left side when you sleep and hold your monkey tight! You also have a new game of playing "peekaboo" with your monkey and or blankie when mom and dad check on you- You are supposed to be sleeping but instead are hiding under your blankie waiting for someone to uncover you and give a big toothless grin! We laugh at this and can't hardly be mad that you aren't napping!
You love bike rides and usually fall asleep during them- Overall, you are a great little traveler and LOVE being out and about- You really do get bored sitting in the house, taking after your mommy always on the go!
You do this funny thing with your throat we call you "toadie" sometimes- Also, you get shy when momma gives you mugga mugga's (nose kisses) and daddy throws you up in the air and you laugh- Nobody can make you smile like Rudy does though!
You can sit up on your own now and are even starting to "scoot" around- You are finally sleeping through the night (the entire night) no cries at midnight, 2am and 4am- Although you do like to snuggle in bed with mom and dad when you wake up at 6am. You are a fussy little eater and need to be entertained while eating- dinner theater at our house every night!
You LOVE being outside- love feeling the breeze on your cheeks and blow through your once long dark locks! You are starting to mimick and love funny faces. Love stroller rides and the car- a real "ride" enthusiast! Love singing in the bath tub and baby lotion massages.
It's the little things that everyday make us feel so proud and love you even more! Love you little buddy!
My Family

Sunday, July 29, 2012
New Faces and Places
This summer has already been quite an adventure for Mr. Nolan. He's met so many new faces and seen a lot of new places. Included and pictured below are:
Castle Rock, WI
Visit from Great Grandma and Grandpa Salzmann
Batavia Quarry Park for Swim Lessons
Pool date with Miss Nevaeh in Minnesota
Meeting two of Mommy's dearest friends Heather and Heather (and Lola and Sylas)
Wisconsin Dells!
Lake of Isles Minnesota
Meeting Auntie Laura
First time at the park on the swing!
Meeting Cousin Alexis!
Meeting Great Grandma Done from Arizona
Meeting Great Gram and Grampa Doblar!
Meeting Uncle Smitty and wanting to pee on him! :-)
Lake of Isles Minnesota
Meeting Auntie Laura
First time at the park on the swing!
Meeting Cousin Alexis!
Meeting Great Grandma Done from Arizona
Meeting Great Gram and Grampa Doblar!
Meeting Uncle Smitty and wanting to pee on him! :-)
And this is only the beginning of where, what and whom you will encounter in life! Here's to always making new friends, going on many adventures and seeing and being all you can be!
These Magic Moments....
Okay so, I'm getting really bad at my blog and that makes me sad because I LOVE this age where Nolan is at and I want to remember every little fun thing we did or every cute little thing he did I am committing to doing better! Let's start here.
This past weekend we took a little trip to Lake Geneva. Our little Nolan is a GREAT traveler!!! We kept saying the entire day how lucky we were! No tears at all on this two hour trek...Only smiles and laughs as Nolan, Mommy, and Daddy had a picnic by the Lake and what better way
to show our best picnic behavior than to play with bowls!

And listen for waves....
This past weekend we took a little trip to Lake Geneva. Our little Nolan is a GREAT traveler!!! We kept saying the entire day how lucky we were! No tears at all on this two hour trek...Only smiles and laughs as Nolan, Mommy, and Daddy had a picnic by the Lake and what better way
to show our best picnic behavior than to play with bowls!
And listen for waves....
After our lunch, we headed off to the beach. This was Nolan's first time ever touching sand...and of course it was mounted with frustration as he could not quite figure out how he could get all of these tiny grains into his mouth!
After getting all dirty, we all jumped in the lake, Nolan and daddy practicing the backstroke Nolan has been practicing all summer from his swim lessons!
Nolan also brought out his summer fashion sense with this thongs, as no tot at the beach is fully dressed without them.
And as sappy and cheesy as I've become this past 6 months, I just truly could not stop kissing my adorable little guy! Can he stay this little and cute forever?! I will remind him of this moment when he is older ;-)
After our busy time and marina inspired day, Mommy and Daddy had a craving for some seafood, Red Lobster style- You were soooo good for us! We got to unwind with some crab legs, coconut shrimp and a glass of wine, nighty night!
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